Thursday 28 June 2012

These were my unit 2 experiments with ink and japaneese ink brushes. i really enjoyed using this media and tools. i will hopefully incorperate it into my next project.  


These where my colour expreiments for my unit 1. i tried to express different emotions through different colours.

eventually i tried to give different areas of the paintings different feelings.

i realy enjoyed the line making that i ventured in this experiment and i hope to continue it in the next project as i feel it would harmonise quite well with a noir theme.
combining the boarders witrh the work is a niffty idea i would like to continue into the next project.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Unit 2 final

this was my unit2 final for my project called memorabillia. it incorperated watercolours, inks and oil pastles. i used the inks to create the greys an thick lines over the oils and water colours. the inks over the oils created interesting textures; an idea i should take into more consideration.

i then created some lighting effects for the final result.

Monday 25 June 2012

this was my final for my unit 1. it was created by painting and drawing the image, then editing and then layering the images on different pieces of acetate. this was sucessful but i found that thew images could easily get damaged and scatched so if this technique was reused i would try
and use as little acetate layers as possible. i would like to have some more personalised photographs for my unit 3 as the photographs that i used were taken for no specific perpose or to display any specific emotions.

This was my ao3 from my unit 1 project. i was quite happy with its out come but i wanted tyo go further with it. this gave me the idea of experimenting with this style and adapting and improving  it with new materials, media, themes and ideas. the first idea i have had was to adapt a film noir aspect towards my style to try and enhance the sinister tone i was trying to create with this painting.